Friday, March 6, 2009

Ashtakvarga Basics


BasicsMaharshi Parashar says, "if the 12 Bhavas, including Lagna, are occupied by, oraspected by benefic Grahas, they yield auspicious results, according to theircharacteristics, but this happens, where the Grahas concerned are in theirexaltation Rashi, own Rashi, or posited in a benefic Bhava. There will be nogood effects, if such Grahas are in depression, or posited in an inauspiciousBhava. Similarly the Bhavas, associated with, or aspected by malefics indepression, or posited in malefic Bhavas, yield adverse results, according totheir characteristics. This is how the general effects have been described by theDaivajnas. I have only repeated those effects. The main purposes of this JyotishShastra are to determine the longevity and joys and sorrows of the people, butbecause the movements of the Grahas are so subtle, even sages, like Vashistaand Brihaspati, have not been able to be quite definite in this respect. Then howcan a common man, particularly in Kaliyuga, do so".With this background he reveals this system of Ashtakvarga. The meaning ofAshtakaVarg is literally the group or division of eight. In other words it is thecombination of the good and bad positions of a Grah with reference to theseven Grahas and Lagn. So it is the combination of the benefic and maleficpoints in a planet's chart with reference to the position of the eight other Grahas(here Lagn is to be treated, as a Grah). The whole system revolves on the basisof transiting positions of planets and their natal position -- which is basicallytransiting position at birth and forms the fixed point of analysis.Those who are not well versed with this system, could go through any classiclike BPHS, Horasara, Phaldeepika, Jatakdeshmarga, etc. to become familiarwith the preparation of ashtakvarga charts and the effects of transits of differentplanets in houses based on number of auspicious bindus.The total auspicious Bindus given by planets is 337. Divided by 12, it gives anaverage of 28 bindus per rashi. Therefore, we can roughly say that for averageresults of a house, we need at least 28 Bindus in samuday ashtakvarga of thathouse. Due to the difference in rising period of rashis, the short ascension signsmay give good results at 26 and long ascension may be favourable when theyare with 30 bindus. One has to keep that in mind. Amongst the 12 Bhavas morethan 30 bindus advance the effects of a Bhava, between 25 and 30 bindusproduce medium effects and the effects of the Bhava, and which contains lessthan 25 bindus, get inauspicious effects.In order to get a complete picture of effects of various planets in a house, onehas to see within the rashi, the contribution given by various planets(Bhinnashtak varga). The planets can contribute anywhere between 0-8 bindusin any rashi or house. Without going into technical details, I am just mentioninghere that Mars and Saturn can give 0 points whereas other planets give aminimum of 1 point in a rashi.Basically, Ashtakvarga is made to see transit effects of planets in relation to theirnatal strength. The favourable or unfavourable results are because of the transitof planets in the signs having different number of auspicious bindus in SAV ofsign and BAV of planet. A sign and house having, say 37 bindus in SAV wouldmean that most of the planets have contributed auspicious points to this signand house in relation to other planets and lagna. Hence whenever planets willtransit on this sign, native will get mostly auspicious effects of the houseconcerned.So we can say that for any house to prosper, it should have minimum 28(preferably 30) bindus, the more the merrier. If simultaneously, its karak and lordare associated with more bindus, the good effects are multiplied. If the transitingplanet to such a house, has also given an above average number of bindus inits own Bhinnashtak, the results will surely be very auspicious.We may say:• When a benefic transits a sign with less bindus, native gets littlehappiness, in proportion with the no. of bindus.• When a malefic transits a sign with less bindus, it causes great agony inreverse proportion of bindus• When a benefic transits over a sign with greater no. of bindus, the nativewill have more favourable results of the house.• When a malefic transits over a sign with greater number of bindus, it willgive luck and not auspicious effects.Even during the much dreaded Sade-sati, it is seen that if the 3 houses (2,1,12)transited by Saturn have more than 30 points, the adverse effects are not there.In the same way saturn's transit to other houses including 4th and 8th may bejudged.Various effects of planets transiting in different signs and houses with differentno. of bindus are given in classics. These may be referred to for interpreting theresults of transits. E.g broadly, when Jupiter transits sign where he has givenmaximum bindus in his bhinnashtak, it invariably gives good results of itssignifications such as wisdom, progeny, etc.Of course, as I have said earlier, these effects must be moderated with intrinsicworth of the natal chart and dasha bhukti. Antar of a planet associated withmore benefic bindus is auspicious.Some ExamplesCase 1: a native 22.3.1936/17.15/AhmedabadThe ascendant has 21 bindus, LL sun is associated with 20 bindus and karaksun also has only 20 bindus, Thus first house is inauspicious. Native died in his29th year.Case 2: Male 16.10.1930/22.55/Virpur (Saurashtra)Here ascendant has 36 bindus, LL mars has 35 bindus, and karak sun has 32bindus. The native is well built, enjoys sound health with no major health trouble.Case 3: 6.2.1927/7.19/AhmedabadHere the 5th house becomes weak. It has 24 bindus, 5L venus has 24 bindusand karak Jupiter is also with 24 bindus. He had no child at all.Case 4: 18.2.1940/21.00/Surendernagar7H has only 15 bindus, with lord Jupiter and karak venus also therein, with 15bindus each. The native could not get marriedCase 5: 26.10.1952/4.00/PatnaThe person has 27 points in 4H, 4L Jupiter is with 22 points, Karaks Moon,venus etc. are all with lower than average bindus. The person has marriedthrice, still never got domestic happiness. 7H with 30 points has given himmarriage.Case 6: 2.6.1933/13.15/BombayNative had great gains when Saturn was transiting through Gemini with 38bindus. The moment it entered cancer, he lost all what he'd earned.Case 7: Female 18.2.1974/9.55/Delhi Her 5H and leo is associated with only 22benefic bindus. Saturn has given only 2 bindus in his BAV. In February, whileSaturn was in leo, she faced a near fatal occurrence of pnuemonia while shewas pregnant, and doctors had to take out a premature baby. Both mother andbaby have still not recovered from the misery.

1 comment:

ravi said...